A Doctor’s Verse

My world, My words.

எண்ணச்சிதறல்கள் – 55

Dear all,

A common forward these days in digital media are puzzles that need to be filled with Palindromes. Palindrome ( a word that originated from the Greeks) is a word, phrase or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards (e.g mom). In தமிழ் palindromes are referred to as பின்பி ( which in itself is a palindrome – the beauty of our language !!!).
பின்பி இரு வழியொக்கும் சொல்!!!

எண்ணச்சிதறல்கள் – 53


Dear all,

Amongst the Saivite tamil works, திருவாசகம் is a prominent one and has abundant beauty and value both for its literary and spiritual aspects. It is commonly cited for its ability to melt the heart of the listener.
“திருவாசகத்துக்கு உருகாதார் ஒருவாசகத்துக்கும் உருகார்” என்பது மூதுரை.

எண்ணச்சிதறல்கள் – 49

Doesn’t it sound like “”ஓ மக சீயா ஓயியாயா” or “லாலாக்க்கு டோல் டப்பி மா”? What gibberish ? It sounds like a baby babbling! Or is it one of the funny imaginative languages invented to play a game or for the sake of movies? These are all very likely and frankly acceptable thoughts when an average person reads the above lines.

எண்ணச்சிதறல்கள் – 48

Pongal is about harvest, prosperity, and augurs the beginning of auspicious things to come. It’s more importantly a thanksgiving to the elements, primarily the Sun for its eternal and universal shower of light, warmth and life on this planet. No other song captures those sentiments better than the song I chose this week. This also being my 100th week of write ups in a row, I found it a perfect song to highlight the greatness of the poet who inspired me to do these write ups in the first place – கண்ணதாசன்.

எண்ணச்சிதறல்கள் – 46

Dear all,

This week picked a song that brings abundant positive vibes in every line and hence saw it a perfect fit to start the new year. The intent the song conveys, the quality of Vaali’s language, the details of mythology stated, Ilayaraja’s orchestration, his master stroke of using two singers (Swarnalatha and Minmini) to augment the feel, it’s context in the movie and it’s technically superlative picturisation all make this song a top choice in my list. This song has provided me consolation and solace many a times when feeling a little low and uncertain.